The world through my iPhone

Saturday 10 March 2012


"The best camera is the one you have with you"

Indeed. Perhaps that is why I have fallen in love with the iPhone as a camera. Nor am I the only one-iPhoneography is now a widepspread term used for the art of iPhone photography-the use of the native camera and the many creative apps that go with it.

This blog is dedicated to my iPhoneography. Iphones, and other smart phones, are an excellent way to get great photos of your surroundings and other things happening around you. The editing options are vast and the limitations are...actually there are no limitations.

I hope I can inspire just one more person to think of their phone as more than just a connection to Facebook or a way to make a phonecall...but also as a tool to create art and freeze memories.

Happy snapping!/ Cate

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